image for Uripan Syrup

Uripan Syrup

Categories : UROLOGY

Form : Tablet & syrup

Indication :

Urinary incontinence, urgency and frequency in the unstable bladder, whether due to neurogenic bladder disorders (detrusor hyperreflexia) in conditions such as multiple sclerosis and spina bifida, or to idiopathic detrusor instability (motor urge incontinence).

Children over 5 years of age: In addition to neurogenic bladder disorders, Uripan may also be used in nocturnal enuresis in conjunction with non-drug therapy where this alone, or in conjunction with other drug treatment, has failed.

Composition :

For Uripan tablet:

· Each tablet contains 5.15 mg of the active substance Oxybutynin hydrochloride

For Uripan syrup

· Each bottle 100gm contains 0.1gm Oxybutynin hydrochloride